Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Dad came from Cranbrook yesterday to pick up Taylor....they just left about ten minutes ago. I’m sad. I don’t want Taylor to leave. She was such a huge help and such a joy to have around. I think I am going to petition for her to move in.
    Kaia is changing so much, she is now awake for much longer periods at a time. She is starting to coo and kick and bounce around. She has definitely discovered her little hands. I joke that it looks like she is looking at her watch as she intently stares down at her arm probably thinking “what in the world is that”. She slept for 6 hours in a row the other night! I woke up in such a panic the other morning after looking at the clock and realizing we did not get up for a 3 am feed.....and I was awake before Kaia. Of course she was fast asleep in her cradle probably dreaming of milk at that point. We all know that is what was on my mind...I was ready to explode! 6 hours without a feed was an interesting feeling let me tell you. I have started to put Kaia in some of her 3 month clothes. I am getting excited for her growth and change. When she was first born I was sad after each day would come to an end I didn’t want her to grow or change I wanted to cherish those memories for ever. But I am feeling excited now at the thought of her changing and developing. And some of her 3 month clothes are really cute!
    Well miss Kaia is now having a fit...time for me to go and sooth my little peanut. Really I know that she is crying cause she too is sad that Taylor left....Christmas in four days...yayayaya...!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

bliss bliss bliss

Kaia Dawn is a growing girl....eating eating and eating....but last night...she slept for 4.5 hours in a row!!! Oh how exciting that was to wake up to her little cries and look over at the clock. Oh talk about refreshing! She doesn’t sleep a whole lot during the day but I am totally ok with that it is a fair trade in my opinion. My Christmas cards finally arrived on Tuesday....thank fully they are already sent out! I ordered 40 cards and that still wasn’t enough. Some people are just going to be getting regular Christmas cards this year. We have a full house at the moment. Erick’s cousin with her husband and two little sons are here for the weekend staying with us. They are a joy to have stay with us...their sons are so fun at 3 and 1 there isn’t going to be a dull moment here all weekend. They share the same love for coffee as I do and brought some delicious coffee to share with me along with their amazing coffee maker....oh Erick is going to have a long list for my Christmas  next year....on it definitely one of these coffee makers. Erick, Kaia and me went to Cranbrook on Thursday for a quick visit and we came home with Taylor. She has decided to come stay a few days with us! Britt is gonna take her snowboarding today if it isn't too cold. Hopefully it warms up cause I know Taylor is totally pumped to go out. Taylor is such a HUGE help with Kaia. She is always more than willing to change a diaper or bounce her around the house until she is content.
   This year is our first year having our own Christmas I am sad that we are going to miss out on the traditions and fun that we have at my family Christmas. But I am thrilled to start our own traditions here. Kaia is still too young to know the differences and her gifts from us are limited....but we are excited to get an early start on what will happen in our home for many more years to come.
  Did I mention that I got 4.5 hours of straight sleep last night...hehe......Well I am the first one awake I put the toys away did a quick sweep started the fire....waiting now for my house hold to wake and start all over again.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Christmas parties are done for the season...I think. We made it Kaia was a trooper putting up with Mommy pumping and pumping. Erick and Kaia went to Lola’s (Erick’s Mom) house on Friday night while I hosted an all girls Christmas party. Little miss Kaia did really well. She gave her Dad a little bit of a hard time with feeding. She wasn’t always interested in taking a bottle. Over all though we survived and now I am ready to enjoy the holidays with little on our schedule.
  Last Wednesday we did go and get our Christmas tree. It was the fasted tree hunt that I have been on. When Erick got home from work it was already getting dark outside so it was a mad dash to find a tree. The funny thing is I think that this tree is the best looking tree that we have ever picked out. We always end up with a Charlie brown tree. Not this year. I was disappointed that we didn’t get any pictures of our tree hunt but we did take a couple snaps of Erick and Kaia decorating the tree.
We drove to the city to finish up our Christmas shopping and the first mistake was going on a Saturday. Wow, the mall was crazy busy! Once again Kaia was a huge trooper and was a very good little girl while Mom and Dad ran around all crazy trying to find all of the items on our list.
    The snow has been pouring down for the last couple of days; I think that I am going to attempt a snow shoe this week. I need the exercise.....big time.
Oh I hope that our Christmas cards are in the mail today...I don’t know how I am going to get anything out on time if they take any longer.
Just a side note, I bought some cloth washable breast feeding pads to try. I thought that I might as well use them as well if I’m going to use cloth diapers. You know keep with the environmentally friendly theme. Well I woke up soaked this morning. I know that I was really engorged and that doesn’t always happen but still. It was not a pleasant feeling waking up to a half soaked bra. Hmmm maybe I can make my own breast pads. Hmmmm....I wish that we had a fabric store here in town. Or even in Fernie. I really need to whip out my sewing machine. That and I am on a mission to learn how to make the cute little hats that I seen at the craft fair. Kaia needs one of those hats and I wasn’t about to pay for them when I know that I have the skills to figure out how to make them.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Abbotsford was a success...well for me and my little traveler that is. Kaia was amazing! She handled the flight perfectly and she was such a trouper watching volleyball all weekend. The senior girls volleyball team came in 11th not as great as they were anticipating but they were happy and proud to have made it as far as they did this year. I think that Erick will definitely help coach again next year he had fun. 
   So we are back home and I’m thinking its time to get my house feeling a little like Christmas. Time for the tree to go up, we will go out and get our own tree that is one of my favourite parts of getting ready for Christmas....the tree hunt. This season is going to be many of Kaia’s firsts the tree hunt being one of them. I can’t wait to share that with her I know that when she grows up she will enjoy it so much. I have many many memories of tree hunting with my Dad. Erick and I also have many tree hunting memories with just the two of us. It is one of those traditions that you just cannot trade for a fake tree. We went to Erick’s work Christmas party a couple nights ago, I pumped and Kaia hung out with her Aunty Paula. When I left Kaia she was fussy and crying....oh my gosh the guilt...That is a whole new emotion and feeling that I can honestly say I have never felt. I am starting to feel some of those moments when my friends have said “just you wait till you have your own kids”. After a good meal, some drinks with friends, a couple dances and many phone calls to Aunty Paula.....we made it, our first night out. Kaia made it too she was really good for Paula thank goodness. So this Friday I am hosting an all girls Christmas party, another reason why I need to bring the Christmas spirit into our home. Erick will be hanging out with Kaia probably at his mom’s house. Of course leaving Kaia with Erick and some bottles of pumped milk doesn’t worry me one bit nor do I feel guilty or as guilty. My baby girl is doing really well and has adjusted to travel and being away from Mommy just fine. She is growing so quickly I am slowly retiring more and more of her wardrobe every day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

I really could write a book chronicling Erick’s experience changing Kaia’s diaper....the other night he was wiping her little bum bum...and all of a sudden I hear from my perch in the kitchen.... “oh my gosh Kaia you just farted on my finger” ....apparently while he was wiping she strategically farted just at that moment...on this same diaper change, bum clean, cloth diaper successfully on Erick picks her up...props her over his shoulder and all of a sudden....explosion.....I am still in the kitchen cleaning my Christmas cookie decorating tornado...I let out a little giggle but didn’t want to interfere with the scene playing out in front of me. He proceeds to lay her back down and start another bum change....luckily there was no sharting or farting....just an easy diaper change. Bum clean, cloth diaper successfully on he picks her up props her over his shoulder.....and wait for it.....explosion!!! At this point I am hysterically laughing from the kitchen.....Erick stopped mid rock step “you have got to be kidding me”. So the third bum change occurred in a matter of ten minutes. It was so fun to watch let me tell you. Daddy’s little girl..haha.
The weekend is over Erick is back to work. We had a nice relaxing at home weekend though. Kaia sat on santa’s knee for the first time. We went to Erick’s work kids Christmas party. She sat on Santa’s knee for a picture and she even got a present from Santa. My little baby girl was so happy and content at this party. She and I had an amazing night on Saturday.....Kaia slept for 4 hours...oh it was bliss...!
I discovered why my little Kaia has been a little fuss pot...and I still don’t believe it but my little baby has two teeth coming in. She is only 2 months old. You can feel the teeth and see them just peeking out of her gums. I have been randomly putting the amber bracelet on her ankle so now I’m going to have to keep it on regularly. The amber bracelet is supposed to help relieve the teething symptoms. I don’t know if they work. I have had friends swear by them, what have I got to lose really might as well try it. The bracelet doesn’t even fit her arm yet but it looks very cute on her little ankle.
Two more days til our flight to Abbotsford...yaya...so exciting.

Friday, November 26, 2010

poop cookies

Nothing much has changed as far as me and Kaia being hermits.....today is Friday and Im happy for that cause it means Erick will be on days off. I’m feeling like I don’t have much to say these last few days...maybe its cause I’ve been confined to the house and nothing too exciting is happening in my neck of the woods....haha well I could write that Kaia just let out a big fart on my arm....haha...I’m sure there was some follow through on that one. A butt change will definitely need to follow that peeuu... You know what makes that fart even funnier....Bruce Lee is cuddling with us on the couch and his head is right close to her butt....he keeps looking up at her butt like “oh my gawd what the hell was that”? Followed by a few large sniffs...Well I guess that if I really think about it I have lots to say....just not exactly the things that Kaia will appreciate me writing about in years to come.....oh haha last night Erick was changing her diaper and all of a sudden I hear Erick shouting... “Oh my gawd she just sharted all over her blanket.....” Oh ya Kaia is definitely gonna love these chronicles of her bodily functions.
Why is it that the conversation always goes to poopy?
Christmas is coming less than one month away... (This is my attempt to clean up this post....no more poop talk). I am getting excited we are going to decorate when we get back from Abbotsford. I am hanging out with our little niece today. I’m thinking its cookie decorating time with her!! Fun fun.....

Monday, November 22, 2010

This weather is turning Kaia and me into hermits. I don’t want to leave the house and when I do it feels like a mad dash to get into shelter. We ventured to Fernie the other day with some girlfriends and it was all good Kaia was so peaceful and sleepy but I just felt so rushed rushing from the car to the craft fair to the cafe...yeesh. And boy have I learned that every outing takes so much longer....well let me rephrase that everything is taking me so much longer to accomplish. It is no wonder that we get one full year off of work we need the time just to catch up on things. I am currently in the middle of washing my floors...I’ve only got as far as sweeping cause my baby girl woke up. So while I feed her it is time to catch up on the computer. Check my emails, write this note and make our Christmas cards. Thank goodness Kaia and my laptop both fit on my lap.
Erick’s volley ball team has made it to provincials which means off to Abbotsford at the beginning of December. Kaia and I have decided to tag along...so Kaia’s very first flight is going to be at two and a half months old. I’m excited.
Well I think my sleeping beauty is back to sleeping...time to take advantage and finish my chores....well I say chores but really the only thing that is motivating me is my increasing need to clean clean clean. Like I have always been easy going when it comes to cleaning but seriously...why do I have to clean or think about cleaning or stress over clutter. I don’t know how people that are naturally anal about cleaning cope with a daily routine of constantly cleaning while raising babies. When would you ever have time to enjoy and relax and do things for yourself? I would like to think that I have a happy balance. I have a mostly clean home, happy baby....and me time. I just hope that my new found anal cleaning tendencies do not get worse....ok stoke fire, wash floor, clean kitchen, finish washing cloth diapers......and I’m off.....ok maybe not...in the two minutes it took me to finish my last sentence little miss Kaia woke...guess its mobey wrap time...she'll have to learn to wash the floors early.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kaia loves her tummy tub, last night was bath time or as we call it spa time. She loves to sit in the tub and just relax. Last night’s spa was interrupted by a little explosion...followed by a bath evacuation. Luckily Erick was there to save the day and quickly get new bath water. The spa was continued. I love that we are able to sit in front of the wood burning stove for spa time it makes it so cozy....Normally she is down for the count after a bath but last night we were up more than we were down. We decided to get up with Erick this morning 5am darkness was actually not so bad. We definitely woke up to a winter wonderland this morning and I think that it is going to stick around this time. Winter has arrived! I am disappointed that I won’t be going out anywhere with my Chariot any time soon.
I am excited that the holidays are coming! There are going to be so many firsts for Kaia. For now we will settle for her first snowfall maybe I will venture outside with her for a walk......hmmm....mobey sling inside my jacket......?

Monday, November 15, 2010

gas talk...

So me and Kaia were up at 4 am and for some reason all I could hear was the hum of the tiny motor powering the magic fountain. Needless to say that was the end of that. I'm wondering if I should bring the fountain downstairs and use it during the day. She seems to be fussy at the same time every night...around dinner time to bed time which is around 10 or 11. We bought Oval and everybody seems to be pressuring me about gripe water...."try the gripe water, gripe water is so amazing gripe, gripe water was my best friend". Well I am not totally convinced about this gripe water and I really don't want to rely on medication. I need to do some more research on all this...I'm just not convinced. Going to Erick's Moms for dinner is particularly stressfull cause we are there during the window of time when she fussy. Everyone kind of runs around oh Kaia Kaia Kaia stop crying...there’s lots of rock steps and humming going on...I just want everyone to relax...stop fussing over my fussy baby. It only fusses up the situation...ahh...I'm still trying to figure out what it is in my diet that would be bothering her.....and like the doctor said the other day it may just be a growth spurt. Relax my friends and family just relax...
I'm sitting in most comfortable poang chair from ikea....trying to get Kaia settled for the first two hour stint of the night.some how we discovered that Kaia loves the sound of running water. The h2o just luls her to sleep. We were discussing this tonight at Sunday family dinner at Erick's moms house. We all agreed that a little water fountain would be ideal in our bedroom at night.Erick's aunt Gloria kindly just so happen to have a fountain to spare. I am now in my room with a half asleep Kaia in my arms listening to the trickle of water coming from the little fountain similar to any fountain you see in a spa room. This fountian idea could be very interesting. I figure either me and Erick will wake up in the morning and one or both of us will have wet the bed or Kaia will have slept through the night or all of the above. Haha...well Kaia sleeping through the night be a stretch but I can wish for an extra hour at least! The weekend was busy we were in cranny all weekend to watch Erick's volleyball team play... My butt is sore from bleacher sitting but it was so great to get outta the house and outta town. Time to attempt putting Kaia in her craddle

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yesterday was a jam packed day. I'm learning so quickly that leaving the house requires so much preparation. We nearly didn't make it outta the house on time. Chiroprator, doctor and dentist all in one day. I have to say Kaia Dawn was one very good little baby. I did have a bit of a pep talk with her before we left. "dear Kaia please be a good little baby for your mommy today. She has such a busy day". We stopped in at the hospital so that i could show off my little beauty to the lovely ladies I work with. I do miss work a bit I never thought I would really ever say that. I think
mostly it's the social aspect and maybe a little of nursing part.
I am so happy to say that the cloth diapering is going really well! Even when we were out for the day. There really is no reason why I wouldn't use them. I have a handy wet baggy use to put the spoile diapers in and the change is no different than a disposable diaper change really. I'm really happy with my choice. Her clothes are definitley fitting differently though. Haha she has s huge bum!!
I did try pumping when Kaia was just a few weeks old but the pump I had wasn't the greatest it was really slow. I haven't pumped since then but I'm feeling like it's time to start again. Erick is feeling like he wants to be more involved in feeding her and well soothing her when she's fussy for some boob. And I'm always open to getting more sleep. While I was on my journey yesterday I picked up a new pump. I got some great advice from one of the women I work with she suggested trying s hand pump. Well I picked one up and have already tried it. It is awesome!!! I've pumped so much already....no cords, no loud noises and utensil quick!!! We'll see how things go with Erick and Kaia. Well little miss Kaia has now been attached to me for an hour and I'm now her soother and no longer her lunch. Its time I get her off and do something around this house.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

still trying to figure it out

My baby girl is fast asleep and maybe even snoring a little bit on my chest. My little miss Kaia has been my little miss fuss pot for the last week or so. Taking her out is always an adventure. We were out of town watching my husband coach highschool volley ball. Thank goodness for the “hooter hider” I am Kaia’s personal living pacifier. Erick gave me the heads up that we were in a particularly modest highschool. I guess the dress code rules for the girls were even more strict than usual. He suggested that maybe I go into one of the side rooms to breast feed Kaia. I was not having any of that. I secretly double dared anyone to come up to me and tell me to put my boob away while I fed my daughter and supported my husband. I would have whipped it out “hooter hider” or not. Lucky for them I was left alone to watch a bunch of screaming 16 year olds play volleyball while I pacified my baby.
Spending so much time at home makes me feel like I should be getting more done around the house. That is so not happening. I think that I get one big chore a day done and odds and ends. Now making dinner has been a struggle there is just no way that is happening. Especially after my day today Kaia ended up in her “heart to heart” sling while I filled out thank you cards and occasionally did the rock step.
Kaia tricked me; she slept for three hours in a row for two nights. Erick dared to say the words “oh maybe this is the start of sleeping longer”. Doh....last night she slept for one and a half hours at the longest. Up down up down up down. Insert a giant sigh here. I’m gonna go finnish enjoying this cuddle with my baby girl.....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

the first of many...I hope

I have been procrastinating this entry now for about hmm...five years maybe even a little bit more. Well the truth is I use to be an avid journal writter I was disciplined I forced myself to write in my journal every night before I went to bed even if it was just a blurb.Writting in my journal was my therapy and my escape.  My journals were even theraputic months or years later when I would read back at old entries. I would learn new things about myself and discover the meaning behind a lot of stuff that went on in my life. For some reason my discipline faded and so did my journals. I have attempted to start writting again, when I was getting married I thought boy I better document this time in my life, when I started my nursing career I thought hmm these are gonna be some pretty interesting days I better document them. And then there were the odd days that I would just feel inspired to start writting my thoughts down. I can think of three journals kicking around the house that I started and never stuck with. I have thought about writting a blog many times but not having authentic written journals really detered me.
   Here I am...
 Raising my daughter for the last five weeks has been full of firsts full of hilaurous moments and full of love. I am learning more and more every day how much of life love exists in. Being on maternity leave is a whole other world. You mean I don't go to work for one whole year...what? Yes I know being a mother is work and hard work too, I can say that now. I am a breast feeding mommy...and loving it. Kaia loves it too she is a natural. I'm trying to figure out this whole motherhood housewife thing and for some reason I do crazy things to myself like put my baby in cloth diapers. More laundry and more mess....more work really. But the benefits for my little Kaia, the environment and my pocket book are worth it. I think....
   As I am sitting here writting this my husband is sitting with his daughter humming to her and just staring at his baby girl. That is a memory of love that I don't want to forget ever. That is one huge reason why I am digging deep to keep writting.
   Heres to my new found discipline and the adventures with the Canlas clan.