Tuesday, July 19, 2011


My birthday has come and gone....and I spent it exactly how the day allowed. I was feeling less than good. Nauseous, tired basically the day was filled with a weird watery cheek yucky after taste feeling. So the couch and my jams were my best friend.
   I was brought to tears the other day. I asked Erick to get Kaia ready for bed and yet there was the messy kitchen still to tackle before I retired...and take note the time was before 8 pm. I was going to slump on the couch and wait for Erick to hand me my jammed little baby ready for her pre bed time nurse. But I scoffed and found some energy to start cleaning the kitchen. Erick came in the kitchen and basically stole the plates from my hands...Stop he said “I’ll do it”. I tried real hard not to show the water welling in my eyes....I just tried to explain to him that I am feeling so useless around here lately. I’m always asking Erick for help or to take over a task. I just want my life back I want to feel better. I feel like Kaia isn’t getting my full attention and I feel like house is falling apart. The house ok ya I can get over that...but my poor baby. These are days I won’t get back ever and I want to make them memorable. Blah! Enough complaining.
   Apart from my last few weeks of feeling shitty how is today? Today is going good. We woke at 6am that seems to be Kaia’s new routine since she has been sleeping through the night like a rock star. I love her new night routine. I still wake up through the night I don’t know if it’s my habit from Kaia or what but when I do I check the good old video monitor to see how my power sleeper is doing. Most all of the time she is on the complete opposite side of the bed or flipped over but she is still fast asleep. I am happy to know that at some point in the night she woke or stirred and managed to find her way back to slumber land without me or a peep. So anyways....we woke early this morning as our new usual had a good breakfast and play session and Kaia is already down for her first nap time. Taylor my littlest sister is here for a visit for the week...or for however long she wants to stay. She is fun to have around and she is a big help entertaining Kaia. Actually Taylor and I have been spending most of the time giggling at Kaia as she has been entertaining us. Kaia’s personality is starting to come through....well personality/attitude. She shakes her head no at any question you ask her whether she knows the context or not it is pretty funny most of the time.
   Yesterday when my Dad dropped Taylor off he asked Kaia if he could pick her up she shook her head no. He then asked her again she still shook her head no....he asked her a final time and she blew a huge raspberry at him basically saying “I SAID NO”. My poor Dad....but boy did me and Taylor laugh.
Today could be spent at the park and maybe pool.....but who knows Kaia is still sleeping and I have managed to sweep the floors and do a load of laundry. That is huge these days....I’m content with that alone. However....I have a 9 month and 14 year old to hang with for the day so I am sure the day will be fuller than a couple chores complete.
   Oh one thing I am left wondering if any moms out there have some advice is.....when you started with the one nap a day...instead of the two naps...morning and afternoon. I don’t know how to tell what the signs Kaia is ready to do the transition.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have been hiding far away from my computer. The reason you may ask...NAUSEA! That is right yet again as it was with my first pregnancy I am dealing with a barfy, watery cheek, tired drag my ass don’t make me smell your perfume type life. My poor little girl is suffering too I am sure I am not as fun as I was pre NAUSEA. But I am trying my hardest to still live life. If I truly had it my way I would be laid up in my bed everyday all day. So as I started to mention....the computer is a source of my nausea. I am actually feeling pretty good at the moment. I was going to force myself to get on here and delete my 400 something emails and read some blogs and possibly update my own. But thankfully so far I am not forcing anything.
  I am trying to find some normalcy so today in my brief moment of feeling ok I coloured my hair which was well overdue....I think April was the last time I touched my hair. I want to be even more ambitious and give myself a pedicure but I am wondering if this is my chance to treat myself I mean go and get a pedicure. I have one booked in August but that is so far away.
Nothing much has changed around the Canlas household. Kaia is on the verge of crawling but I feel like I have been saying that for months now. I think that my hard wood floors might be holding her back just a touch. She is eating almost everything....with the exception of the food that requires more than her six pearly whites.
We have now completed our baptism prep with the priest. We had to meet with him a number of times and now we can set a date for the baptism. We are a little late I know I think that most parents do the baptism when the baby is really little. Better late than never I suppose. I am going to get creative here and take some new pictures of Kaia and get some invitations made up. Well that is my plan anyways who knows though....you might receive a card I bought at the General Store.
I really want to get a family photo done of the three of us before I start showing too much. I suppose I want to document our family of three before it is obvious that we are well on our way to becoming a family of four. Time to hunt down a photographer.......I am not going to Wal-Mart.
I’m not going to push my luck too much here. I better move on to some other things before this “feeling good” wares off.