Thursday, September 8, 2011

Holy water and hunting

Two more days till Kaia gets sprinkled with holy water in front of many of our friends and family. I know that it is really more meaningful than just getting sprinkled with holy water. Although there is a large part of me that is doing this for Erick and his family as I am not catholic I am still happy to raise my children to know God, his love and all that he has for our lives. I was not raised in a Christian home but I immersed myself in the church when I was around 12 years old. I chose to get baptised and to live my life totally immersed in the Christian culture.  I know the value of having that as a foundation for my life and I hope that I can help my children develop that same foundation. I truly would not be where I am today in life if it were not for my relationship with God. Whether it is a relationship that was lived loudly or a relationship that has been in my heart I have been guided, blessed and loved. And I do want the same for my children. I know that Erick feels the same way he too has a great foundation that has brought him comfort and strength in many ways. I know that he wants those same experiences for his children.
   Well as I said before the list is still looming over my head....I need to wash linens, clean out my fridge, do bathrooms and wash my floors.......and and and. I at least accomplished my pantry clean out and washing the windows. I worked yesterday so yesterday was a complete waste. Erick has tomorrow off so that is great cause my little mover is a little clinger that doesn`t know how to entertain herself. I need to hire a child to come and hang out with her for a couple hours while I clean. Our niece Mataya was here a couple days ago with her mom and she played and played with Kaia it was great except I sat on my butt and had coffee with Paula. It did get my wheels turning though about having Mataya over more often ;). The company starts trickling in tomorrow afternoon my Dad being the first guest to arrive. My parents are parking their trailer here for the weekend to make room in our house for Erick’s cousin Mari and her little family. Hunting season begins on Saturday too so that also brings a bit more busy into our household. Erick loves hunting and I think my Dad is staying a few extra days to get some hunting in. Hunting is just one of the things Erick has on his already filled list of 101 things to do in Elkford. Hey maybe I should start hunting.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holy $*&# I am a parent

This week is going to be jam packed with cleaning organizing and prepping for company. Kaia is getting baptised on Saturday and we have a big to do planned. We have lots of company staying with us and lots and lots of guests coming to enjoy a lunch at our house after the baptism. Kaia’s Lola has been prepping for this occasion for months now making lots and lots of yummy food. I have lots of cleaning and bed making and organizing to do and it is already Tuesday.....I for some reason have a list of chores that involves organizing my pantry cleaning my front windows and cleaning the fridge. Why I have chosen this week to do these big tasks....maybe it was purely for motivation purposes. Who knows but we’ll just wait and see how much I actually get done.
I go back into work tomorrow for four hours of computer training. Kaia will spend another half day with her Lola. But this time she will come here in the morning which is so great then I don’t have to wake Kaia up and pack her all up so early in the morning.
Kaia’s little personality has come out so much lately she has started being bossy to Brucelee our dog in her baby babble. She points at him and yells I’m assuming mimicking us giving the dog trouble or telling him to lie down. She really cracks me up with her facial expressions too which is nothing new. I think that was her first line of know exactly what she is feeling based on the looks on her face. She dances to the sound of music now and bobs her head to the beat I love it.
   I have started weaning her from the boob, she is totally fine with it. She doesn’t seem to miss it. I mean if I offer it to her she will take it but she doesn’t seem to miss it during the day when I pass her sippy cup with breast milk in it.     I have a l ton of breast milk frozen so she has been getting that and I will go just straight to homo milk after that....she is at the age where she is past the risk point of getting a sensitivity to dairy; Which is great because I have no desire to pay for and or mix and wash bottles of formula. It all couldn’t have worked out better. I gave her a sippy cup with milk in it last night before bed she laid on the couch beside me and enjoyed every last drop sitting up between gulps and kicking her legs. I think she is enjoying the independence that comes with it too. I was a leaky mess last night although there was no pain or engorgement I suppose I can`t really complain. I have been anticipating weaning Kaia for a couple weeks now she has started using her teeth a lot more than normal and I am feeling like it is time for a bit of a break before the new baby. I was feeling emotional last night when I realized that I have started the process of weaning her. I know that I am going to be breast feeding again very soon so I don`t think it is the feeling of missing that. I guess my emotions mostly were coming from my little baby growing up and not needing me as much anymore. In a lot of ways I am more than ready for her to have some more independence especially with me going back to work. I guess there is a bit of sadness that another chapter is closing ALREADY. I nursed Kaia this morning.....a moment of weakness I suppose. But the momentary relapse didn`t seem to faze her. She took her pre nap sippy cup just fine and didn`t even ask for the boob.
   Oh the joys...I still can`t believe most of my thoughts and conversations involve parenting I feel like I am another person inside my head. Holy shit I am a parent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Friday, September 2, 2011

Well...My first day back at work has passed and I survived. Although yesterday was hardly work. We more or less orientated back to all the changes and all the new equipment. Wow I now know how much change and growth can happen in the little life of an infant but it is real to me now how much change happened at work in this year that I was gone. I feel positive about a lot of the change that took place although I have heard some negative feedback from people I suppose I wasn’t around to hear all the politics that when along with a lot of the change.
   Erick asked me how work was and I gushed....I really enjoy the people that I work with and the facility that I work in. Obviously I could complain about a few things at work but those people and those things are in every facility and town you would ever go to. So I am not holding the negative against this place. I told him that when we ever move I will really miss this job. I knew going back to work would help my peace of mind. I then went to say to Erick “it’s a darn shame that Fernie is so expensive to live in I would consider moving there”. I think I made Erick’s wheels turn a little bit. What that means I am not sure.
   My beautiful little resilient bundle of joy made it through her day with her Lola (Filipino for Grandma). I am happy to say that she wore her Lola out and entertained her cousin Matya who helped her little heart out with Kaia. The child care in this town is definitely a problem but so far we have been lucky to get offer(s) plural to help us with child must be kaia’s charming little smile. Or my non fulltime status it is a little less daunting I think.
   I have a coworker that was also returning back to work at the same time as me from a maternity leave. She also has a little daughter who was born days apart from Kaia. It was nice to have someone to share that with. It was also nice to chat about our little babies and all the great stages they are in. She is returning back fulltime though unlike my casual status.
  Fall is in the air and I love it. I for some reason have always felt ashamed to say that I am excited for autumn to appear but I am finally going to shout it out proud. Summer you and your hot warming sun are great and I do like you too....but autumn you are my new favourite...and maybe always have been. We have had rain for the last few days and I am not complaining. The leaves here are yellowing already and there are a few on the ground. I see people gearing up for hunting, everyone is school shopping and I’m thinking about Halloween costumes. I love that you have to wear one more layer of clothes but you don’t quite have to go to the parka and you can still get away with flip flops.....
    Oh I would like to say that have a couple more things to add to my 101 things to do list because the fall activity guide came out.... unless I get permitted to do the yoga session pregnant I am out of luck. Insert many curse words here........there was nothing to fucking do for me and Kaia.
Cleaning my house is # 3 on the list dammit.
 My house has been neglected over the last few days time to chip away at the list...starting with laundry and coffee. I’m so thrilled that I am back on the coffee wagon....oh how I have missed you. And dam you Elkford.