Thursday, September 8, 2011

Holy water and hunting

Two more days till Kaia gets sprinkled with holy water in front of many of our friends and family. I know that it is really more meaningful than just getting sprinkled with holy water. Although there is a large part of me that is doing this for Erick and his family as I am not catholic I am still happy to raise my children to know God, his love and all that he has for our lives. I was not raised in a Christian home but I immersed myself in the church when I was around 12 years old. I chose to get baptised and to live my life totally immersed in the Christian culture.  I know the value of having that as a foundation for my life and I hope that I can help my children develop that same foundation. I truly would not be where I am today in life if it were not for my relationship with God. Whether it is a relationship that was lived loudly or a relationship that has been in my heart I have been guided, blessed and loved. And I do want the same for my children. I know that Erick feels the same way he too has a great foundation that has brought him comfort and strength in many ways. I know that he wants those same experiences for his children.
   Well as I said before the list is still looming over my head....I need to wash linens, clean out my fridge, do bathrooms and wash my floors.......and and and. I at least accomplished my pantry clean out and washing the windows. I worked yesterday so yesterday was a complete waste. Erick has tomorrow off so that is great cause my little mover is a little clinger that doesn`t know how to entertain herself. I need to hire a child to come and hang out with her for a couple hours while I clean. Our niece Mataya was here a couple days ago with her mom and she played and played with Kaia it was great except I sat on my butt and had coffee with Paula. It did get my wheels turning though about having Mataya over more often ;). The company starts trickling in tomorrow afternoon my Dad being the first guest to arrive. My parents are parking their trailer here for the weekend to make room in our house for Erick’s cousin Mari and her little family. Hunting season begins on Saturday too so that also brings a bit more busy into our household. Erick loves hunting and I think my Dad is staying a few extra days to get some hunting in. Hunting is just one of the things Erick has on his already filled list of 101 things to do in Elkford. Hey maybe I should start hunting.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holy $*&# I am a parent

This week is going to be jam packed with cleaning organizing and prepping for company. Kaia is getting baptised on Saturday and we have a big to do planned. We have lots of company staying with us and lots and lots of guests coming to enjoy a lunch at our house after the baptism. Kaia’s Lola has been prepping for this occasion for months now making lots and lots of yummy food. I have lots of cleaning and bed making and organizing to do and it is already Tuesday.....I for some reason have a list of chores that involves organizing my pantry cleaning my front windows and cleaning the fridge. Why I have chosen this week to do these big tasks....maybe it was purely for motivation purposes. Who knows but we’ll just wait and see how much I actually get done.
I go back into work tomorrow for four hours of computer training. Kaia will spend another half day with her Lola. But this time she will come here in the morning which is so great then I don’t have to wake Kaia up and pack her all up so early in the morning.
Kaia’s little personality has come out so much lately she has started being bossy to Brucelee our dog in her baby babble. She points at him and yells I’m assuming mimicking us giving the dog trouble or telling him to lie down. She really cracks me up with her facial expressions too which is nothing new. I think that was her first line of know exactly what she is feeling based on the looks on her face. She dances to the sound of music now and bobs her head to the beat I love it.
   I have started weaning her from the boob, she is totally fine with it. She doesn’t seem to miss it. I mean if I offer it to her she will take it but she doesn’t seem to miss it during the day when I pass her sippy cup with breast milk in it.     I have a l ton of breast milk frozen so she has been getting that and I will go just straight to homo milk after that....she is at the age where she is past the risk point of getting a sensitivity to dairy; Which is great because I have no desire to pay for and or mix and wash bottles of formula. It all couldn’t have worked out better. I gave her a sippy cup with milk in it last night before bed she laid on the couch beside me and enjoyed every last drop sitting up between gulps and kicking her legs. I think she is enjoying the independence that comes with it too. I was a leaky mess last night although there was no pain or engorgement I suppose I can`t really complain. I have been anticipating weaning Kaia for a couple weeks now she has started using her teeth a lot more than normal and I am feeling like it is time for a bit of a break before the new baby. I was feeling emotional last night when I realized that I have started the process of weaning her. I know that I am going to be breast feeding again very soon so I don`t think it is the feeling of missing that. I guess my emotions mostly were coming from my little baby growing up and not needing me as much anymore. In a lot of ways I am more than ready for her to have some more independence especially with me going back to work. I guess there is a bit of sadness that another chapter is closing ALREADY. I nursed Kaia this morning.....a moment of weakness I suppose. But the momentary relapse didn`t seem to faze her. She took her pre nap sippy cup just fine and didn`t even ask for the boob.
   Oh the joys...I still can`t believe most of my thoughts and conversations involve parenting I feel like I am another person inside my head. Holy shit I am a parent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Friday, September 2, 2011

Well...My first day back at work has passed and I survived. Although yesterday was hardly work. We more or less orientated back to all the changes and all the new equipment. Wow I now know how much change and growth can happen in the little life of an infant but it is real to me now how much change happened at work in this year that I was gone. I feel positive about a lot of the change that took place although I have heard some negative feedback from people I suppose I wasn’t around to hear all the politics that when along with a lot of the change.
   Erick asked me how work was and I gushed....I really enjoy the people that I work with and the facility that I work in. Obviously I could complain about a few things at work but those people and those things are in every facility and town you would ever go to. So I am not holding the negative against this place. I told him that when we ever move I will really miss this job. I knew going back to work would help my peace of mind. I then went to say to Erick “it’s a darn shame that Fernie is so expensive to live in I would consider moving there”. I think I made Erick’s wheels turn a little bit. What that means I am not sure.
   My beautiful little resilient bundle of joy made it through her day with her Lola (Filipino for Grandma). I am happy to say that she wore her Lola out and entertained her cousin Matya who helped her little heart out with Kaia. The child care in this town is definitely a problem but so far we have been lucky to get offer(s) plural to help us with child must be kaia’s charming little smile. Or my non fulltime status it is a little less daunting I think.
   I have a coworker that was also returning back to work at the same time as me from a maternity leave. She also has a little daughter who was born days apart from Kaia. It was nice to have someone to share that with. It was also nice to chat about our little babies and all the great stages they are in. She is returning back fulltime though unlike my casual status.
  Fall is in the air and I love it. I for some reason have always felt ashamed to say that I am excited for autumn to appear but I am finally going to shout it out proud. Summer you and your hot warming sun are great and I do like you too....but autumn you are my new favourite...and maybe always have been. We have had rain for the last few days and I am not complaining. The leaves here are yellowing already and there are a few on the ground. I see people gearing up for hunting, everyone is school shopping and I’m thinking about Halloween costumes. I love that you have to wear one more layer of clothes but you don’t quite have to go to the parka and you can still get away with flip flops.....
    Oh I would like to say that have a couple more things to add to my 101 things to do list because the fall activity guide came out.... unless I get permitted to do the yoga session pregnant I am out of luck. Insert many curse words here........there was nothing to fucking do for me and Kaia.
Cleaning my house is # 3 on the list dammit.
 My house has been neglected over the last few days time to chip away at the list...starting with laundry and coffee. I’m so thrilled that I am back on the coffee wagon....oh how I have missed you. And dam you Elkford.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

150 beats a minute....that was the rate of my littlest creation’s heart beat today. Of course because this is the second time around I am comparing everything and so far not much is the same and not much is different. I don’t remember Kaia’s heart rate being that high she was always around 130-140. I don’t feel like my baby bump has bumped out yet which is awkward when getting dressed I hate this stage...I find myself in stretchy pants although jeans with a belly band would work I just don’t feel comfy enough. I haven’t felt a distinct boot; I thought maybe I felt a flutter or two but who knows it could have been gas for all I know.  I remember when we felt Kaia kick for the first time we were in a hotel watching tv and I remember I said to Erick “your baby is doing something funny in here” and he reached over and we both rested our hands on my tummy and boom two hard boots hit both of us at the same time it was pretty amazing. Erick’s expression was like “holy shit there is something in there” and I was just like “do it again do it again”. It was pretty cool that we both felt it for the first time at the same time.
   The nausea this time around is obviously worse....and has lasted way longer. I never had to take meds for the nausea with Kaia...but I am not complaining about the meds right now they are my best little white round friends.
   So I’m gonna start a list of 101 ways Tiffany is trying to distract herself in this little town....Work is probably #1. And until the autumn activities schedule comes out reading is #2. At the moment I have dived into “The Help”. I am reading it with a friend and then hopefully at the end of it all the two of us Mommies will escape and go to the big screen and watch it when it comes out. Wow so my list only has 2 items on it...this is going to be a long season.
Did I mention 116 more days till x-mas.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy 11 months of life my beautiful little girl. One more month and she will be a one year old. As I always say this year went by so quickly but is so incredibly full of amazing memories experience and change. I have never realized how much life you can fill into one small amount of time. Amazing really.
    Work is looming just around the corner but I am excited. I am excited to get out of the house and have some time away. Even if it is work. I have been whining and complaining constantly that I am ready to move and get out of this town. I am bored and unhappy living in this little one horse town. Don’t get me wrong this town has served us well. But the time has come to move onto bigger and better things. I could go on talking about all the reasons why I want to and think that we should move but I’d be here all day. The benefits of moving somewhere else would be endless for both Kaia and me and well Erick his hobbies and life style is totally pliable.
   Money is the controller of all things it seems. Selling our house is an obvious factor, finding another source of income that is equal to or greater than Teck and of course finding a happy place for all of us. Dam Teck and their retention intentions....they work so’s got us in hook line and sinker. Luckily Teck has other sites and I have been keeping my eyes peeled. Erick working away is not an option for us at the moment. We haven’t closed that door completely but it will be our final stitch get me the Bleep out of this town effort.
We are not absolutely opposed to changing companies but I think it would have to be a pretty darn good package deal to move us. Anyways this topic is depressing.....maybe work will distract me for a while. But in the mean time I am just putting it out there to God or the universe of the positive energy flows .....PLEASE HELP US MOVE!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Well summer is coming to an end....I can’t say I enjoyed my much anticipated warm weather and summer fun. I spent most of it curled up on my couch reeling with nausea. I’m near 16 weeks pregnant and I attempted two days off of the meds that have been curbing the nausea. The attempt was unsuccessful it only reminded me of the hell I had been experiencing prior to me giving in to the meds. So I am back to popping pills. Some of my energy levels have returned I have found myself taking Kaia on more outings and my taste for baking has come back slightly. Although I will be returning back to work very soon I am thankful that I am feeling better and I hope that when this bottle of pills runs out that I won’t have to continue on. 4 months of nausea is by far enough.
   Kaia has been a trooper but I can tell she is getting bored of being cooped up in this house. Crawling helped to preoccupy her for a while...she has a whole new world of exploring now.
We are getting ready Kaia’s baptism September 10th. We will be having lots of company over to help us celebrate. I think that we may even give her a bit of an early birthday as well. She will be 1 year old very soon I am still shocked at how fast the time flies. I am no longer saddened that she isn’t the littlest baby anymore...I have been more excited for her growth and development. It is so exciting watching her learn new things and do all of the “firsts” that happen at this age.
  I think it might be safe to say that I am finally feeling the energy to start writing regularly again, here’s to hoping that I actually have something to say these days.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


My birthday has come and gone....and I spent it exactly how the day allowed. I was feeling less than good. Nauseous, tired basically the day was filled with a weird watery cheek yucky after taste feeling. So the couch and my jams were my best friend.
   I was brought to tears the other day. I asked Erick to get Kaia ready for bed and yet there was the messy kitchen still to tackle before I retired...and take note the time was before 8 pm. I was going to slump on the couch and wait for Erick to hand me my jammed little baby ready for her pre bed time nurse. But I scoffed and found some energy to start cleaning the kitchen. Erick came in the kitchen and basically stole the plates from my hands...Stop he said “I’ll do it”. I tried real hard not to show the water welling in my eyes....I just tried to explain to him that I am feeling so useless around here lately. I’m always asking Erick for help or to take over a task. I just want my life back I want to feel better. I feel like Kaia isn’t getting my full attention and I feel like house is falling apart. The house ok ya I can get over that...but my poor baby. These are days I won’t get back ever and I want to make them memorable. Blah! Enough complaining.
   Apart from my last few weeks of feeling shitty how is today? Today is going good. We woke at 6am that seems to be Kaia’s new routine since she has been sleeping through the night like a rock star. I love her new night routine. I still wake up through the night I don’t know if it’s my habit from Kaia or what but when I do I check the good old video monitor to see how my power sleeper is doing. Most all of the time she is on the complete opposite side of the bed or flipped over but she is still fast asleep. I am happy to know that at some point in the night she woke or stirred and managed to find her way back to slumber land without me or a peep. So anyways....we woke early this morning as our new usual had a good breakfast and play session and Kaia is already down for her first nap time. Taylor my littlest sister is here for a visit for the week...or for however long she wants to stay. She is fun to have around and she is a big help entertaining Kaia. Actually Taylor and I have been spending most of the time giggling at Kaia as she has been entertaining us. Kaia’s personality is starting to come through....well personality/attitude. She shakes her head no at any question you ask her whether she knows the context or not it is pretty funny most of the time.
   Yesterday when my Dad dropped Taylor off he asked Kaia if he could pick her up she shook her head no. He then asked her again she still shook her head no....he asked her a final time and she blew a huge raspberry at him basically saying “I SAID NO”. My poor Dad....but boy did me and Taylor laugh.
Today could be spent at the park and maybe pool.....but who knows Kaia is still sleeping and I have managed to sweep the floors and do a load of laundry. That is huge these days....I’m content with that alone. However....I have a 9 month and 14 year old to hang with for the day so I am sure the day will be fuller than a couple chores complete.
   Oh one thing I am left wondering if any moms out there have some advice is.....when you started with the one nap a day...instead of the two naps...morning and afternoon. I don’t know how to tell what the signs Kaia is ready to do the transition.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have been hiding far away from my computer. The reason you may ask...NAUSEA! That is right yet again as it was with my first pregnancy I am dealing with a barfy, watery cheek, tired drag my ass don’t make me smell your perfume type life. My poor little girl is suffering too I am sure I am not as fun as I was pre NAUSEA. But I am trying my hardest to still live life. If I truly had it my way I would be laid up in my bed everyday all day. So as I started to mention....the computer is a source of my nausea. I am actually feeling pretty good at the moment. I was going to force myself to get on here and delete my 400 something emails and read some blogs and possibly update my own. But thankfully so far I am not forcing anything.
  I am trying to find some normalcy so today in my brief moment of feeling ok I coloured my hair which was well overdue....I think April was the last time I touched my hair. I want to be even more ambitious and give myself a pedicure but I am wondering if this is my chance to treat myself I mean go and get a pedicure. I have one booked in August but that is so far away.
Nothing much has changed around the Canlas household. Kaia is on the verge of crawling but I feel like I have been saying that for months now. I think that my hard wood floors might be holding her back just a touch. She is eating almost everything....with the exception of the food that requires more than her six pearly whites.
We have now completed our baptism prep with the priest. We had to meet with him a number of times and now we can set a date for the baptism. We are a little late I know I think that most parents do the baptism when the baby is really little. Better late than never I suppose. I am going to get creative here and take some new pictures of Kaia and get some invitations made up. Well that is my plan anyways who knows might receive a card I bought at the General Store.
I really want to get a family photo done of the three of us before I start showing too much. I suppose I want to document our family of three before it is obvious that we are well on our way to becoming a family of four. Time to hunt down a photographer.......I am not going to Wal-Mart.
I’m not going to push my luck too much here. I better move on to some other things before this “feeling good” wares off.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One day after my 3rd anniversary......I am content. 3 years of crazy love, crazy change, crazy fun and just plain crazy. I am 1.5 children richer. Yes 0.5 means that I am 6 weeks pregnant and expecting the next little mini. I am content. I have lots to think about but I am content to let my mind race while I live each moment with Kaia and Erick. Everyday will bring the answers to all the questions that I may have and I think I can finally wait for each of those days to come as they will on their own time. So this 3rd anniversary reminded me that I am one lucky wife, Momma and lady. I have it all really I do.
   Our first camping trip last weekend was a success. It was a bit chilly at times which made me a tad miserable but the sun did peak through for a couple moments of warmth. Kaia was a champ with our tent camping. She was totally fine and didn’t have a single problem falling asleep and staying asleep.
  This was the big reveal for our second pregnancy I even surprised Erick with the pregnancy test in his father’s day card.
  We are going camping this weekend yet again this time with a bunch of friends and I am totally looking forward to the SUNSHINE! I am looking forward to having Kaia enjoy the outdoors without more than one layer on. I just can’t wait to be outside and enjoy it.
  We have been outdoors walking but apparently there are aggressive deer in our neighbourhood. They posted a sign on the corner of our street “aggressive deer in the area”. I am so pissed by this. If my dog was aggressive they would do a hell of a lot more than post a sign. I can’t even comfortably relax in my own yard. I hate that. What can I do.....I need a better paint ball gun.
   What a random array of thought this post is...but I guess those are just some of the things floating around in my mind this morning.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

oh...and did I mention

Usually I feel totally antsy and cooped up when it rains but today I feel cozy and content to just stay in the house in my jams and house coat. After staring blanking at the doom and gloom that the weather network was predicting I did learn one thing from that weather lady. She told me that when they predict showers it just means little bits of rain here and there throughout the day. But when the forecast is for rain that means it will rain for more than a few hours at a time. Basically it is raining outside.
   We are planning to go camping tomorrow in the States with my parents and so far the forecast is for warm temperatures with some showers....hopefully they are just showers and not rain. I am excited to take Kaia on her first little camping trip so I truly hope that it isn’t miserable out. We have made arrangements with a friend to purchase a tent trailer but Erick’s truck isn’t up to par for highway driving and we don’t have a hitch on our we are tenting it. We bought a giant tent last year one that will fit us in a big air bed and playpen so I think that we will be just fine. Maybe damp but we will survive. I will have to pack for all seasons.
   Erick goes to a volleyball coach training thing tonight and tomorrow so we will leave for camping as soon as he is done tomorrow. I will have to get my butt in gear and start packing and doing laundry.
I have started organizing Kaia’s clothing she is growing and there are a lot of things that don’t fit her anymore and a lot of stuff that does fit her now that I have hiding in place I forgot about it. I am starting to see the end of the many many clothes Kaia has received. I think I will have to start buying her more clothes when she is 12-18 months. Until then we have been so blessed with hand me downs and gifts. I have been good with organizing her clothes that don’t fit her pretty good since she has been growing. The things that don’t fit her anymore go in to a bin of neutrals or a bin of girl clothes. I figured this would be a good way of organizing for the next baby. I won’t find out what I am having I can just bring up the bin of neutrals to prepare. I have been slightly slacking though and just throwing all her outgrown clothes downstairs into a pile the pile is overflowing and my basement looks like a thrift store. We have been collecting clothes and other goodies for Erick’s family in the Philippines and that stuff is overflowing as well. In combination I have a sally an in my basement. I keep bugging Erick to put together the box so I can start packing it and get another one sent off and clean up my basement.
   We are having company stay with us for the weekend of wildcat days so I really feel like I need to get that basement cleaned and organized.
  Erick hung out with his baby girl last night and put her to bed while I snuck out with some girl friends for a couple drinks appys and some keno. It was well needed but it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for in a night out. I was in bed by 1130...oh how things change. Kaia and I are still in our jams and I don’t plan on changing until we leave for our dinner date down at Erick’s sisters. However I have been semi productive so far this morning I have cleaned one bathroom and done one load of laundry...all this was done before 930....
   Oh and did I mention I was up at 550 cleaning up doggy doo doo...that poor dog can’t have much of anything other than his dog food. I was dry heaving and not impressed.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


 After a day of shopping in the States yesterday I am exhausted. Kaia was a trooper and this is just the beginning of her shopping boot camp. She will be a trained little shopper in no time.
It is Saturday morning; Kaia is already down for her first nap mostly out of my sheer frustration from her cranky attitude. I had zero thresholds this morning for coddling crankyness. Erick volunteered to get up with her and feed her breakfast and hang out with her so that I could sleep in and catch a few more zees.  But due to her fuss...I heard the wines and cries and protesting from my slumber land upstairs.
   I bought three different types of sippy cups yesterday hoping that she will attempt to suck on anyone of them. She drinks out of a cup just fine but it would be nice to give her some independence to be able to have sips at her own leisure. We have only been putting water in the sippy cup but maybe eventually she will take some milk from it. I suppose that will be for my independence as well.
  Erick made a yummy breakfast this morning as usual for our weekend routine. He is buzzing away in the kitchen cleaning the after math, I have the washer working away on a load of diapers, Brucelee is lying at my feet probably wishing I’d play fetch and baby Kaia is napping herself into the world of happy moods.
Not a shabby Saturday so far. Now if only the sun was out. I’m gonna go check out my loot from yesterday.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm on my way back

I feel like I need to write something but I still am not feeling like I know what to write. I have no inspiration. I am slowly picking up the pieces and putting them back together. I have fallen apart in this house in this life completely shattered. I don’t know who, what or where. I am slowly finding my pieces and putting them back where they belong. I keep saying that it was the weather that made me feel this broken that may be true in part. I don’t think I really know what exactly broke me nor do I care. I just want to find myself whole again. I need to be whole for my baby girl, for my husband and for all of the other people that surround me. I am sure all of you have been affected by my funk. I am working hard to get it together.
  I thought that maybe I needed to relocate to find my pieces but truly if I am happy with myself, my marriage, my family and my life then it doesn’t really matter where I am.
I am honest I will tell you how it is in my opinion, I laugh often and loudly and sometimes even at you and in your face. I like to be different so don’t judge me you judgers. I love deeply those that I feel deserve my love. I have certain looks on my face that may be interpreted a certain way don’t think you know what I am thinking. I am loyal to those that return the favour and I mean that in the deepest form of loyalty you could imagine. I don’t always know how to behave or what to say when situations change or get awkward but it doesn’t mean that I don’t care. Most of these pieces have always been true about me I have forgotten some of them and I think you have forgotten some of them too. These are the things that you love about me the most. So don`t think for a second that I will change. I have been bitter, angry, annoyed and betrayed but these things only strengthen who I am and how my pieces fit. You may have caused me to feel any one of these emotions but it didn`t make me worse off. Quite the opposite actually! Just don’t assume anything about me because you are probably wrong.
I am now raising a daughter to be herself her own unique and honest. I will impart these characteristics to her as well as nurture the characteristics that she will learn and acquire from life. She is surrounded by an amazing world and community. One in which gave her two parents that survived just fine.
I with my husband and my daughter am living this life whole and full of life. Well if you know us you know that we are always laughing historically and I am content with those things alone.

I am on my way back.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I am trying to enjoy being home but at certain moments find it hard to do. Life wasted no time at throwing me back into the routine of things. Erick of course is back to work, me and Kaia of course are back to our regular daily routine. I have started my big sewing project but like most things these days it only gets worked on between meals, cuddles, nursing, naps and chores. It is slow going is what I am trying to say. I am hoping that finding a hobby will help me tolerate living in this town. I am trying to think pros and I think ok what would I be doing if I didn’t live here and I lived in a city or whatever. I don’t really see much of a difference other than shopping. I have my life here so I suppose this is where we will be for many years. And I think that this slump of feeling blah and annoyed with everything will happen to me no matter where we are. I am desperate for a change and find myself making big renovation plans for our house. Of course financially these things will only happen gradually. But that is ok. Each project will keep me distracted.
   I think I missed the gardening boat this year. I haven’t done anything in my veggie garden and I don’t think I am going to bother now. I need to clean up my perennial beds and maybe get some more pretty plants to add to the mix. I am disappointed because I did enjoy my little veggie garden last year even though I didn’t reap much of anything.
I attempted to hang some diapers on the line the other day but due to my neglect my clothes pins are brown and rusted and ugly looking. So I need to replace those before I clip them to any of my garments and that includes diapers.
I am really trying to get square meals on the table everyday and always have baking around. My Grammy inspired me while I was there visiting. She always had yummy meals prepared for us every evening. The dinner conversation was nice and then the after meal coffee or tea with dessert was a nice touch too. I might skip the dessert part but I think that making these things routine will be nice.
I still need to get my butt into shape. BLAH end of story.
Kaia has been a little crank pot the last few days... teething probably. She was up 3 times the other night. Yuk. However she did make up for it last night, she slept all night. I had to wake up and pump though. None the less we slept well.
Well I need to move on and make good use of my time...time to do a row or two knitting and then get back to the sewing project. Chores What chores.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

one flight down

Up at flight down and two more to go. Kaia slept through the first flight literally from start to finish. I even had a flight attendant hold her while I went to the washroom and she didn't even stir or peep during that whole ordeal. I guess the 345 alarm clock was a bit early for this little girl.
  Kaia is so funny she definitely trys to grab everyones attention flirting with them and giving them big smiles until they look in her direction. She constantly gets people stopping and cooing over her.
We are now sitting in the maple leaf lounge in Toronto waiting for our next flight. Unfortunately we have a bit of a wait....3 hours or so. The lounge here is pretty good though....big lounge chairs, free anything (including booze), baby change room....we are living the life for now.
Kaia is getting antsy I suppose I have been sitting at this computer for long enough time to go find a comfy couch to perch on.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I am getting ready to go to bed...the morning is going to be early. We are off back to the west tomorrow. I am excited to see my husband. That is all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

final days are coming

The trip is coming to an end. We only have a day and a half more here. I just can't believe that we have been here for so long. It has gone by so incrediably fast. I have appreciated the visits that I have had with family. Last night we went and visited some of the cousins on the Hood side of the family. It was a great visit that only makes me wish that there weren't so many kilometers between all of us.
  I have already started packing and I am sure I am going to have over weight baggage issues....My daughter is one spoiled little gal. For once I am not to blame for the overages. Today is Kaia's  8 month birthday. Wow time is just sailing past. I can't believe that it has been 8 months. Soon we won't be celebrating the will be years.
  I keep hearing all these ramblings of everyone enjoying the sunshine and nice weather....I don't know where I am when the sun comes out but I am beginning to feel like a cartoon character with a rain cloud above my head that follows me where ever I go. I was totally fine with the rain when I arrived here clearly because it wasn't snow which is what I was dealing with back home. But after 3 weeks of rain and a forecast of sun after I leave.....all I have to say is THIS IS BULLSHIT. I am a sun seeker what the hell.
The next day and half will be spent relaxing and packing and relaxing....and maybe eating more dulse...I am not even going to admit to how much I have eaten since I have been here. On the bright side its really healthy for you.
Anyways I can hear muffled cries coming from the room above. Game over.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Forget the sun

I am not waiting for the sunshine any more. We just got back from an overnight trip down the French shores. Grammy has a friend that lives there that I have been dying to meet. I have heard so many stories about this woman over the years and I finally got the chance to meet her. She is a psychic, fortune teller, astronomer a few of the many titles I have heard her being referred as. She is definitely an interesting woman. I told Grammy that I would read this woman's book of life for sure. The French shore is gorgeous! It was pouring rain the first day we were there but regardless of the clouds and rain I enjoyed the sights. The houses are so old but I just love the heritage homes and the history behind them. We stayed in a hotel that could easily have passed for a bed and breakfast it was so cozy. The view from my hotel window was a the ocean waves smashing into shore it was really great. We spent the day visiting and shopping. There is the store Frenchys I can't easily explain how this store works it is a cross between a thrift store and a bargain store...I think. But anyways I LOVED shopping in there it was awesome totally my kinda shopping. Treasure shopping is what I like to call it. The morning we left we made a couple of stops before heading back. First order of business was the lobster pound. Two fresh lobsters picked for my eating pleasure. We cooked them last night and let me tell you mmmmmmmmmmmmmm so freaking fresh. Second buy and try Rappie pie. We found the little nook in the cranny that was selling Rappie pie in bulk freshly made that morning. I don't really know how to explain Rappie pie. Its an Acadia thing I suppose made from potatoes and chicken. $6 a pie and well it was pretty tasty. Third take pictures in the fog none the less. Lastly say goodbye to Eta and then we were off back home.
I started another book since I have been here and I am already half done it I dove into that while we were driving. I would have to say road trips have to be my favorite time to read. I am reading "Water for Elephants". I am actually reading a series right now and just finished the second book but I am taking a break in between books and reading this one.
  Kaia was a travelling champion on our trip she hardly made a peep while we were on the road and of course she was sooo good for me during shopping, visiting and eating. That little girl sure grabs a lot of attention from people thought let me tell you. The oohs and aahhhs we were getting. I am still amazed at how much she is changing her energy, curiosity and everything is totally increasing. She definitely well on her way to crawling she just needs to figure out how to get her knees up.
Today's adventure involves going to Aunt Marilyn's house she lives on the and Kaia are determined to dip our fingers into the Atlantic before we leave this province.
  Tomorrow we are going to,seafood and sights. Tomorrow is suppose to be sunny but rain or shine we are going.
I am missing  my husband I wish he were here but I am not missing Elkford.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

mi familia

I have been gone for over a week now and it truly does'nt feel like it has been that long at all. My Grammy is insistant that I am on holidays and that I am not allowed to help much around the house which kind of makes feel like a useless you know what some days. But it definately is a very nice break. I suppose Kaia has been keeping me busy all the same. She has changed a lot in the few days. I find that I have more of a squirmy wormy on my hands when we are just trying to sit and play or relax. She is SO curious touching everything and of course putting everything in her mouth. When she sits and plays she doensn't just sit anymore she tries to move around and often times she will wiggle her way down to lying on her stomach. I have beem trying to expand her diet she has tried fish, chicken, turnip, blueberry and this morning she had rasberry in her cereal.
   With our kind of luck she has been teething, since we have been here she had two new teeth come through and she has two more just waiting at the surface. I have to say though that regardless of her teething she has been a pretty tolerable little girl. She has her moments of fuss but I really do not feel like I can complain. I have seen children that aren't teething fuss more. Last night was the worst of it. She was up often and the one time she screamed bloody murder for twenty minutes or so and nothing I did soothed her. She has never done that before nor has she been unconsolable for such a period of time.
    The rain here has been pretty persistant we haven't been out too much but I am not complaining one little bit. I am just happy to be out of my four walls at home. This moring we went to the farmers market checked out the wares it was good of course I am always a fan of that kind of shopping. Grammy prepared a fantastic prime rib meal for us and some extended family that came into visit us. I am truly spoiled I have to say. It was good to see some cousins second and third cousins actually and a great Aunt. I know Kaia will never remember this visit but I am determined to keep her posted and aware of all of the family that she has regardless of the miles that seperate. Here and in the Phil. I feel like I have missing pieces of my family althoguh I realize that it was never possible to visit regularly I just wish that I was made aware and or updated on the happenings of their lives. I say that for all sides of my family and I say that for Erick's family too. If it was not for our trip to the Phil we would have no clue who, what, where or when with some of his family.
  I feel like I need to write a history book including each family memeber their life story and everything in between. I think that would be a valuable thing to have. Ok call me nosey maybe that is all that it is I don't know. I guess I just want to feel more connected.
Well I am tempted to go to bed Kaia is in dream land by now and with the way her schedule has been going she will be up in a bit. I do miss our getting up once a night routine we were on.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

We made it

Well I am on holidays. I am in Nova Scotia. We made it safe and sound, in one piece and patience in tact. The flying part was actually pretty good. Kaia was an amazing little traveller I cannot really complain at all. She cried a bit towards the end of the flight of course right when I had someone sitting right next me but none the less it was all good. I am feeling really good here the weather its self is a huge change and a huge releif. There is zero snow here. The grass is green there are buds on every tree and there are flowers to be seen. We haven't done anything too exciting as of yet but for me the change in scenerey and visits with family is plenty exciting for me. I am content. For once I feel content. Kaia remains to be on her best behavior here I am so happy and proud about that. I am really beginning to understand what it feels like to be a proud parent. Kaia is cutting a tooth on the top of her poor little mouth but she has hardly shown any signs of lettling it bother her. I am so impressed. Maybe the amber necklaces actually work. I have had to momentarily give up cloth diapering, I was not about to pack up all the cloth diapers and bring them here. This trip will be the most money I have spent on disposable diapers to date in Kaia's short little life. I have maintained making her homemade baby food though. Its so easy to do so there was no real reason why I wouldn't. She has tried fish and blueberries since we have been here (when in rome) and has seemed to like them a lot.
Tonight will be our 4th night here and I am hoping that Kaia's sleep patterns will go back to normal. The 3 hour time change kind of mixed her up a bit. She just seems to wake up more frequently in the night. Or maybe its her new little tooth bugging her. Who knows. We are up twice a night, three times if you include when she wakes about an hour after she has been asleep. I don't get her up when she does this though I just go tuck her back in and tell her to go back to sleep.
We are heading to a nice place to eat tomorrow for a mother's day brunch. I made some reservations and asked my Aunt Marilyn to join us. It will be a nice quiet time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I am outta here baby

I am severly procrastinating, I should be packing and cleaning and showering but instead I am sitting here in front of the computer surfing around at nothing. We just had a swim lesson and there was no nap this morning for Kaia so I am hoping this recent trip to slumberland will be at least a couple of hours long. I need to pack her and pack me clean and tidy a bit....and ambitiously I want to get some sewing in. I want to make some more drool danas for her. Erick gave me my mother’s day gift early. He is so thoughtful I wasn’t even thinking about mother’s day. I guess he remembered while he was in the city and he surprised me with a beautiful watch and a picture frame with a picture of me and Kaia in it. Oh and in the card he traced Kaia’s hand print as her signature. I am a lucky gal. I will say it again my lil family here has been my true source of happiness. Erick is going to miss us...he has mentioned a few times now “wow three weeks is a long time”.
  I am very excited it has been since 1996 since I was last there and I was young too so my experience will be a lot different.
It is time to go get motivated. Next time you hear from me I will be miles and miles and miles away....enjoying  family, great company the smell of the ocean...and hopefully lots of sunshine.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy

May is here finally, the sun is out finally. I am feeling a bit better spirits are getting better. The two giant bottles of vitamin D that I purchased may have helped. This winter hit me hard. Kaia has been my only source of joy lately and that feeling truly sucks. Forced emotion, forced nicety and forced smiles. I have only had a select few people around me over the last few months and I have enjoyed exploring and getting to know different senses of community in this little town of boring. I have always preached that you make your own happiness now it is time for me to stop bitching and actually practice it. I have put my foot into different streams of interest over the past few, sewing....working out  (blah) so I can’t say that I have just sat around and did nothing all winter. I have tried to pick myself up a notch but for some reason it just didn’t pick me up enough. This coming holiday truly cannot come soon enough. I am so excited to get out of town, explore, visit and just have some different scenery. I will miss Erick, 3 weeks is a long time he has also expressed his sadness and how much he will miss us. I know that he will keep busy though he has a couple trips to go on for volley ball and a possible golf trip.
I am hoping that when I come home everything will be sprung and fresh and sunny and shinning. I am sick of sitting here waiting for it all to happen.
  This weekend Erick was away on a volley ball trip. I was hoping to get some baking done and some sewing neither has happened yet. Erick will be home this evening so Kaia and I will probably be heading down to Mom Canlas’ house for family dinner sans Erick. That is ok though more food for us....wink wink. Marcy came for an overnight visit last night it was a good visit we went out for dinner stopped at a friend’s for a little home based party and then made it home to bath Kaia and play for a bit before her bed time.
  The weekend has been quiet but, visiting and relaxing.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Easter weekend was quiet and uneventful. Kaia joined the priest at church preaching along with him in her baby babble of course. She made the congregation smile if nothing else. Erick’s Mom took her up during communion to get blessed by the priest. I guess she cannot receive communion until she is baptised. I don’t really understand that whole concept. I was raised to believe that you can take communion big, small, young, old, and baptised or not. I may not understand Catholicism but it is important to Erick and his family that Kaia is baptised in the Catholic Church. We were married in a catholic church as well I did not convert to Catholicism but I was baptised when I was 12 so I guess that is ok. I feel strongly about raising Kaia to believe and learn about God but I don’t feel like I want to impose a certain denomination on her. Its sounds so complicated and I guess it is. I find it weird the things we do just because it’s what others want us to do them. I guess I need to brush up on my understanding of Catholicism. I don’t expect Kaia to take part in something that I don’t really know much about. I have so many questions about the rituals that happen in a catholic service and it is frustrating that most often the people (Catholics) around me cannot answer any of my questions. Is there a book out there “Catholicism for dummies”? Like why the heck do they ring the chimes? What was with the candles at the Easter service? Why can I not participate in anything I am baptised, I believe? Why do I have to confess to a priest? Can’t God hear me from my house? I do kind of feel conflicted about baptising Kaia.....but it’s just what I should do “the right thing”.  I know that getting blessed or baptised by the priest isn’t a bad thing. I want Kaia to be blessed. I just would be more comfortable if I had a better understanding of the rationale behind all of the fluff. So we talked to the Priest after the service about planning Kaia’s baptism. We have to go to Baptism prep. Seriously.....What a load of bull shit. I guess that is how I really feel. I know that God loves me and he knows my heart and I have to believe that he does not need me to partake in all these rituals in order to be a part of his family.
   On a less controversial note.....Kaia looked pretty darn cute in her Easter dress. She has been doing good talking a lot more. She has seemed to find another pitch to her little voice. She has this weird little squeal to her voice now.
  Kaia and I are heading out on a jet plane next week. We are going to Nova Scotia for 3 whole weeks. I can’t wait. We are going to visit my Grammy. I am so over due for a get a way. I told my Grammy that I don’t care if we just sit and visit for the entire 3 weeks. I am ready to get out and away from everything. I am trying not to think too hard about it because I am just so very excited and I know that I won’t be able to sleep if I get myself too riled up.
   I think I mentioned before that Kaia has bit me a couple of times with her two little bottom teeth. The bites were shocking but not so bad. I thought that she forgot about the biting and was more concerned about eating. But then yesterday she bit me so hard I bled....oh my gosh....I might as well have put in a nipple ring after that. I thought Kaia was going to be tossed across the room my whole body jumped and jerked...Kaia just looked up at me in shock. I am not to the point where I feel it is time to cut her off because of her biting but I’m telling you that hurt and it continues to ache a bit every time she latches.
   We are off to Fernie today to do some errands. Another well needed distraction.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Easter Sunday and Kaia’s 7 month birthday. The Easter bunny didn’t visit our house this year. We told him that it would be better to save all his goodies for next year when Kaia would understand Easter a bit more (rural living). The sun is out and the forcast is predicting +12c. Kaia was up bright and early this morning well it wasn’t really bright out when we were up at 0550. But anyhow most of the morning chores and routines are complete. Kaia is down for her first nap of the day. I have to iron her pretty little Easter dress and switch over the laundry. We are going to church this afternoon with Erick’s Mom. It’s time to start planning a baptism for Kaia. Erick needs a haircut I need a shower. The day is going to be busy but it should be good. I have had Kaia’s outfit planned for a few weeks now but the daunting task of trying to figure out what I am going to squeeze my buns into is starting to creep up on me. Blah I had this part.
   The snow is melting which means the dogs are muddy which also means my floors are steady dirty. I want to get the gritty feeling swept up I can’t stand that feeling under my feet. I know it is a losing battle at this time of year. My dog nose smeared windows are staring at me every day and I feel like I can avoid them no longer. These are the things I want to get done today along with the festivities. Wish me luck. I do enjoy the routine of weekdays for getting chores done. Weekends are so chaotic. Makes me feel stressed.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh this just in from the baby food front...Kaia had bananas mixed with rice cereal for the first time this week and it seemed to be a success. She was happy didn’t make a face or gag. So far I am certain that she loves avocado and likes bananas all of the time and eats yams and carrots but likes them only some of the time.
   I have been watching the tv show Mad Men. We recently got Netflix (which I love) and I am able to watch it on my own schedule. Anyways that’s beside the point. The show is set in the 60’s and it showcases business men and families in this era. I have been totally offended at the women in this show. They are made to serve their husbands every need ensuring that dinner is on the table every single night and that the kids are prim and proper. They are always made up perfectly bright red shiny lips big hair and fancy out fits. Oh how this is so the opposite from my life. There is not dinner on the table every single night. Erick cooks 60% of the time. I am often still in my sweats at 5pm. And Erick definitely helps out with Kaia from feeding to diaper changing to getting down on the floor and playing with her. The men on this show drink too much cheat on their wives and sometimes don’t even come home every night. It was no wonder a lot of the women were put on anti depressents in that era. The marriages have such a power over relationship and not a shared unified team. I don’t know I am really happy that I don’t have to live that life style. I am happy that Kaia does not have to grow up with a Dad that is never around. I don’t know what made me want to write about it. Maybe because I am really into watching the show right now and it’s like a book when you read a good book you always have it on your mind. I would like to live a week in that era just to see what it was like. I don’t think that I would do it as a desperate house wife. I would be a free loving hippy.
Another thing that has really affected me about the show is that one of the women had a baby out of wed lock with a co-worker and she didn’t want to keep the baby she kept it a secret. Her family is raising the baby. But every time they show the baby and her together she rejects him. She won’t hold him won’t look at I just want to scream...hold and love your baby lady. Sigh.
 Not much exiting goes on in my life Netflix and baby food.

Monday, April 18, 2011

This morning at 4am when I was filling up my freezer bag full of pumped milk I had to stop and think and use my fingers to count and figure out what the date was. I feel like this last couple of weeks has gone by extremely fast. I took some photos of Kaia for Easter and was hoping to get Easter cards made but it seems as though I am LATE. Easter is in four days. We went to Edmonton last weekend for volleyball and we stayed a few extra days to shop and go to the water park. Erick took the last week off of work to accommodate our little holiday and then to have a few days of home time to relax and get some much needed house work done. Well the house work was on my agenda. I had an ok time in Edmonton. Kaia was a fuss pot for a lot of the trip. It is exhausting trying to entertain her when she just wants to be a crank.
  One lucky souvenir we brought home from Edmonton was a pair of colds. Me and Kaia got it good once again. I think that I am finally on the down hill slide to feeling healthy although I still can’t taste or smell. Kaia is a steady dripping faucet and boy does she put up a real fight when you try and wipe her nose clean. She has some major vocals.
I want to bitch and moan and scream at the weather snow -9 c snow snow snow....I am so dam sick of the snow I’m even sick of bitching about the snow. I am sick of hearing other people bitch about the snow. So whatever snow. YOU WIN!
Kaia now officially has two little teeth and let me tell you I have felt those teeth up close and personal. The first time she bit me I thought she was going to end up on the floor. I screamed and jumped she jumped. A good friend (public health nurse) told me that the trick is to bring them in really tight and hold them there for a few seconds and then put them on the floor. I have tried it, Kaia thinks it’s a game and she looked up at me smiling as if to say, “let’s do it again”. After a visit to the dentist to watch Erick get tortured by Britt and Dr. Darin I learned that it is time to get brushing Kaia’s little gums. I don’t want her poor little mouth to get decayed but I foresee this being a fight similar to snot wiping.
Kaia’s eating adventures have gone ok in the last few weeks. It seems that she is touch and go with wanting to eat and the taste of things. I have been touch and go too with feeding her new flavours. I really have to get my butt in gear. I am determined to feed her organic homemade baby food but yet I have not been so determined in making it. I have yams and carrots made and in the freezer but poor thing she must want some more variety. I have not given her anything sweet yet either. The rice cereal has been a main staple too, breakfast food.
I am really on a mission to keep myself busy and get interested in some hobbies. Between being bored and uninspired and the lack of vitamin D I am blah blah blah. My blah attitude has not gone unnoticed by those around me. Erick agrees that I need to have more outlets. I mean obviously being a mom is not making me bored. I have an unending list of things to do around here and for and with Kaia. But you know what I mean when I say bored. I am bored in other ways.
I cleaned the basement (half ass) and got a table with my sewing machine set up. I am on a mission to sew some drool bibs and bunggy cords that you hang toys from. I guess just being creative is a really great outlet for me. Unfortunately I live in a one horse town and already need more supplies. The dam Fabricland lady sold me the wrong snaps.
Anyways .....sorry about my hiatus I find that when Erick is off work my daily weekly routine is completely changed. No working out, no journaling and I eat lots and lots of carbs. It’s like I truly go on holiday right along with him.

Monday, April 4, 2011

same old same old

I was browsing through some of Erick’s cousins’ pictures yesterday. They were pictures of the Philippines....oh how I wish that we could just get up and go whenever we wanted. I would just go right now. I am in the mood for some change. I keep remodelling my kitchen, travelling, buying a new house and moving to a new town in my head in my dreams and in my thoughts. I think I will settle with little changes first. Maybe I can convince Erick to let me sand my cupboards and re stain them.   
We are heading out of town this weekend I am excited to get out of dodge but it’s the kind of change that only lasts for the weekend and then I am back here in the same old same old.
  Kaia has been sitting up by herself today. I pulled out this old carpet that I had and I set her all up with her favourite toys and she just sits up like a big girl playing until she slowly topples over. The carpet breaks her fall perfectly I am hoping that this will encourage her to stay sitting and not go for the backwards swan dive.
  I am making carrots for Kaia today hopefully this is another food we can add to the menu.
Erick changed his first solidish poopy diaper last night. I am so mean. I pulled out the video camera and recorded him and his antics. I missed the beginning of the scene when he opened her diaper and was like “oh my gawd what the hell is that”. Deep breathing and odd other sounds came from him as well. He called for me to help him when I asked what he needed he was like “um I don’t know come and hold her legs up for me or something”. Haha I really should figure out how to add a video on here. I am lucky that he is so involved and will change her bum without question. He even does it in public places in public men’s washrooms. (I have said it once and I will say it again, don’t let your husband fool you there are change tables in Men’s washrooms). I am even more lucky that I have some of his antics on video now..muahaha...insert evil laughing cackling and conniving.
   Now that her little poo poo is solid we are using biodegradable liners in her diaper that holds the poop. You just pick it up and flush. No spraying or anything. I love cloth diapers...have I said that before?
Volleyball practice tonight...that is about the extent of it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


 I wish that I had the discipline to keep my house clean steady. I always just get lazy and let things slip for a day or two until I have to do a massive house clean. The task wouldn’t be so daunting if I just put things right away, ran the broom every evening, and maybe even did an in between load of laundry. Everything just adds up and adds up over the course of a few days and then it is so extremely daunting and exhausting trying to clean everything. I am noticing a pattern in my cleaning though I do like to do certain things on certain days. How OCD is it if I make a chart listing the major chores I want done on certain days. Oh I feel like a fool even saying that out loud.
   My husband loves to be on the move on his days off; we are always trying to get the heck out of dodge. I was determined this weekend to stay home and gets some much needed house cleaning reorganizing done. I suppose you could call it spring cleaning. It didn’t feel like spring though. I love the kind of spring cleaning that has the weather to go with it.  I managed to convince Erick that staying home was a good idea and let me tell you we were both successful at marking some major things off our list. He cleaned our garage, recycled, and put up my new shelf.
    Kaia loved the avocado that I blended with breast milk I am happy one food we can add to the menu for her. I am still determined and really want to try yams again. Maybe she was just having an off day. When we first fed Kaia the rice cereal Erick’s comment was “well I’m glad she liked it, but I am so not looking forward to what her shit is going to look like now”. I just laughed and up until the avocado meals nothing has really changed. I changed a rather interesting diaper this morning and I choose to keep it hush hush. I can’t wait to hear the antics from Erick when he discovers this new development. Hehe. I am so mean. But this is where my entertainment comes from these days.
 Speaking of entertainment Erick and I decided to challenge each other at a game of monopoly last night. We are so competitive with each other. I got whooped though and of course refused to mortgage anything. Poor sport eh. We love playing games and it was nice to do that again.
   I have some pictures I want to upload but I cannot find my little card uploader thingy. I thought I was getting organized here.
   My blogging is so not exciting these days cooking, cleaning....diapering. Seriously where is the substance?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

food fight

Writing is kind of like the gym if you get out of your routine of doing it getting back into it isn’t always easy. It’s Saturday and this isn’t usually one of the days I write but it also isn’t usually a day that I am home. We often take full advantage of our weekends and get out of town. We woke up to 6 inches of snow and a snow storm still going full speed. I am not exactly in the mood to go anywhere this weekend knowing the highways are going to be a pain. This week was a busy one anyways. Kaia and I put on a lot of miles. We went to Eureka to pick up some parcels and then we did a day trip to Calgary for Ikea of course. Although I am totally pissed about the snow I am content to stay home today and just do nothing...or at least do house chores. Now the only thing I have to do is convince Erick that it is a good idea to stay in today. He is of course outside doing snow removal detail.
   I am trying to get Kaia to go to bed a bit earlier. Right now we average around 9-930 getting her into bed. Last night she was in bed at 8 well she probably didn’t fall asleep until 830 but it’s a start. She was up twice in the night and then woke in the morning at 730. I guess that is a good start. I can’t complain considering only just a couple months ago she was up every 2.5 hours.
    I am trying to persuade kaia to start rolling over and sitting up. She can sit without support but when she reaches for a toy she slowly slumps down to the side....she hasn’t really grasped the concept that she can’t just take a backward swan dive into the floor. She just stiffens right up and falls back. Thankfully her little head has only been caught by me and not met the cold hard wood floor. I do think that having hard wood flooring is part of the reason why we don’t spend a lot of time playing on the floor. But I am trying to change that we put blankets out and have little play sessions.
  Kaia has been eating rice cereal like a champ for the last couple of weeks now so I thought it was time to start a new food. I thought that Yams would be great I love yams. Kaia was happy at the first tasting she kind of made a face at the new flavour but she seemed to be happy. The next day she totally rejected me and my yams. She gagged and grimaced and winced. I was persistent and forced a few more bites into her but I had to give in, her poor gag reflex was cute but probably torturous for her. So now I don’t know what food to attempt next. I did buy a book to help give me some recipes and tips the tips are good but the recipes are not well at least for this age group anyways. There is an abundance of recipes for the 12-18 month category but not so much for 6-8. I don’t know what food to try, I thought I would try avocado I love avocado so she should too right? Well that idea back fired on me with the yams. The recipe for avocado in my book is for avocado and bananas. Eww avocado and bananas mixed together blah. I am not ready for her to have fruit yet either. I have always been told to do the fruity flavours last so that she doesn’t develop a sweet tooth. So I guess that I will be doing some online searching for avocado recipes or other ideas of what veggie to try next. Until then rice cereal it is oh and of course breast milk. Erick said that when he was a kid his mom made him avocado milk shakes and he loved them. I am pretty sure that recipe consisted of evaporated milk, avocado and sugar. Two of these ingredients Kaia definitely cannot have but I wonder if it would be all the same to just add breast milk I hear that is sweet tasting. Alright enough thinking out loud!  
    Kaia is napping husband is outside ploughing time to get some stuff done.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Warmish Fresh Air

Kaia Dawn is 6 months old today. This last 6 months have gone by so incredibly fast. I cannot believe how much Kaia has grown and developed in such a short time. I am so proud, blessed and every day I am in awe of her and her sprouting personality. She has two little teeth coming in, she finished her first swim lesson and as of Monday she started eating rice cereal. I love watching her try new things and the rice cereal was no exception she loved it. We have already had a few incidents involving her little grabby hands and a spoon full of cereal. This morning she swatted the spoon unintentionally of course and cereal went everywhere including a big blob on her face. She gave me this horrified look as if to say “what the heck is on my cheek...? Get it off get it off”. I have learned so much about myself, my patience, my capacity to love, my weaknesses and my strengths. I just never dreamed that such a little being could have taken me on so many adventures and taught me so many things.
   One of the challenges that I am facing with Kaia the last few days is her clingy little ways. She is totally a Mama’s girl and she rarely will have anyone else hold her or play on her own and be happy about it. I don’t expect her to live in her jumper or saucer but I would at least love for her to be happy to play with these things for longer than ten minutes at a time. Sometimes she starts crying before I have even gotten her set up. I feel like I should just let her cry it out then maybe she will get over it eventually. But I just feel like what’s the point if she isn’t going to be happy in her “happy play things” then why bother. But me giving in to her cries is totally enabling her clingy behaviour. She loves to sit in her bumbo seat and watch me wash dishes and make dinner. She loves sitting in her bumbo period. But if I put her in her saucer or in her jungle thingy on the floor she fits and won’t have it. She totally has to be right near me in the action. I suppose having her in the bumbo isn’t so bad it is better than on my hip or in the sling. I don’t know what to do about this little clinger I have.
   We have braved the fresh air everyday this week going for walks around town. I am assuming by Kaia’s instant nap she loves it. I love the fresh air the warmish fresh air. I am sure the dogs are happy with our newest hobby as well. The other day the dogs rebelled and decided to go visit Brucelee’s girlfriend a few blocks away. When I received the call from our friend that the boys were at her house I couldn’t believe it but at the same time I so did not blame their poor little bored hearts. When she brought the pooches back I banished them to the deck to think about what they did. Well Dirk Diggler the older and wiser pooch showed me what he thought of that. He took a swan dive off of my hmm 10 foot high deck and belly flopped into the snow and was perched at the front door only to greet Jenn who had just returned them. I was defeated and later that day our long lost hobby emerged from hibernation. My legs are stiff but my heart is happy. I sure do hope that this warmish weather continues or gets warmer.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dum dee dum dee dumm

Today is supposed to be the first day of spring and I am saddened by the falling snow. I have really never felt the need for the sunshine and warm weather so much in my life as I do this year. I need to get outside so badly. We had another busy weekend of volleyball and hotel living. Kaia is resilient and copes fairly well with our steady lifestyle although this weekend I think her poor little gums were bothering her. On Saturday night Kaia’s cheeks were flaming red and drool was free flowing and my baby was not happy. We attempted to go to the dance we last the dinner barley and that was it. Kaia was screaming nothing was making her happy half drunk people were giving me the looks as if to say “take that baby home this is no place for her”. I finally threw my hands up took a few rushed bites of the dessert Erick brought me packed Kaia up and we made our way back to the hotel across the street. Erick came with us helped me get settled and I shooed him back out to the dance with his friends. I figured there was no sense in both of us missing out on the fun and besides we were there for him. I really had no sour feelings about missing the dance I truly was so content to sit in the hotel room with Kaia. When nursing Kaia wasn’t calming her fussy little butt I decided to give her a bath in the kitchen sink in our little kitchenette. It’s like magic the second her little toes touch the warm water she is as happy as could be. After another midnight snack I put her in the play pen and she watched me busy bee around the room organizing and packing for our morning checkout. She just chilled and watched and slowly fell asleep for the night while I got everything done. I love that she has such a simple bedtime routine.
    We got home late as we always do when returning from out of town. We just like to get every last possible second out of town before we have to hit the highway. Today I am unpacking doing laundry and staying in my jams all day (not that staying in my jams all day is different from any other day). We did lots of shopping so organizing and finding a home for everything is another task for the day. We hit value village and as usual we had some success I love that store! Both of us found some good stuff in there. My creative side has been itching at me lately so I bought some fabric and some Velcro I have an idea and hope to get my sewing machine out and get some sewing done. Some of the baby accessories out there seem like they would be so simple to make myself and so I have decided to attempt to make some of them instead of over paying for these items. We will see how this goes.
   Nothing exciting going on here today other then the hum from the laundry room and  the smell of coffee.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

this weather makes me shop

I know we are all going stir crazy here...really badly. The weather is nice ish the temp is above 0 but the roads are like lakes and rivers. This morning it was snow raining..phtt whatever that is. I was on the treadmill yesterday doing my thing listening to music and Bruce Lee (our trustee golden retriever) came up to me and nudged my hand and kept nudging my hand. The look on his face was as if he was saying “seriously you are jogging to nowhere, we could be outside jogging all over town come on”. I have a dog gone stir crazy too. I am not complaining about the lakes and rivers on the roads though, I am more than happy to deal with that for a while. Only because that means the snow is MELTING. I wonder if Kaia is big enough for her hiking backpack thingy that we bought her. That would make navigating along the mess a bit easier than trying to push a chariot around.
   Today is swimming in Sparwood day. Sparwood is the next town down the highway and apparently the pool there is much warmer than our public swimming pool. I love taking Kaia swimming especially when we go with friends.
  I know that Kaia is almost ready for the next size of cloth diaper so I have been doing some shopping for more diapers. I was originally going to stick with one particular brand that I have been using and love but I decided to expand my supply and well penny pinch. I have been buying whatever diapers I can find on sale. Some of them are all in ones and some of them are the pocket style diaper. I have been happy with either one. I have been using the few all in ones that I have and they are really nice to be able to just stick the diaper on her basically the same method as I would if she was in a disposable. The pocket diapers are a bit more work stuffing the diaper before you put it on her. But really nothing major. I think that I am going to be happy with having a grab bag of variety with diapers. There are some that are maybe more user friendly too for the family and babysitters that she will have changing her little bum bum. Keeping my eye out for sales and finding diaper deals has been really worth it. Just yesterday I bought four cloth diapers for the same price that I would have bought two. The sale was amazing and the bigger bonus is the diapers were made in Canada and designed by a midwife in Canada. The sale was unfortunately on a “deal a day” website so the deal is over but in case you were curious the site is I have purchased a lot from this site actually. Everything from diapers to burp cloths to boob covers. I have been getting razzed a lot from friends regarding my little online shopping addiction but really I consider it as me being a savvy mom living in a rural town trying to find deals and great baby supplies. I had three parcels in the mail for me yesterday I love that feeling. I of coursed opened them right away when I got home even before I put my groceries away. One parcel was more pictures I got printed of Kaia. I am really trying to keep up on printing my pictures. The other parcel was some burp cloths that I ordered that I paid 50% less then I paid for them when I bought them locally. And the last parcel was two diaper covers I ordered not on sale but a special limited edition color. I am trying to buy neutral color diapers so that we can use them comfortably if we happen to have a boy one day. I think we have 3 diapers that are girly and the rest are neutral our future baby boy will wear the girly colors either way. I ‘m not stressed about that I mean really Kaia wears her blue diapers all the time and there is no issue there. I think a little pink on a boy doesn’t look so bad. Its funny I have been really conscious of the bigger items that we buy for Kaia I have made sure that they are gender neutral so that when we do expand our family they will be suitable for either gender. There is no point in buying these things twice just because of the color. I also love that my mindset is already on my soon to be growing family. There is no real question we are having more babies lots and lots of babies. I just have to go back to work for a bit and make some more money so I can keep shopping for all my babies.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I hate the snow so dam much

How can I get balance in this crazy new life I am living. There are so many things that need to be balanced out. Housework, Mommyhood, relationship, self and and and and. There is never enough time in the day to get everything done exactly how I want it done exactly when I want it done. I have to let go of some of the expectations I have on myself, on my time and on others around me. My mind wonders into the future often thinking about how my life and schedule will be when I go back to work. I wonder how all these things will balance out when I have to add another huge time consumer to the list. I also wonder into the past thinking about the way my time and life was balanced out. It seems I managed to fill my time with just as many things but just in different ways. I know that I need to stop drifting and focus on today. I don’t think that there is really any other way of doing the balancing act. Each day brings different challenges. Some days are good nap days some days are bad nap days....some days are stuck in the house from the snow days and some days are free to go where ever I need to go or be days. Even sitting here typing out my thoughts I am thinking in the back of my mind “my beautiful daughter is sound asleep I should be mopping or dusting some other sort of chore”. But I need to grab my wondering brain and focus on this moment.  This typing as mindless as it may sound is the part of my day that is for my “self”. So yes this is part of my balancing act. We were up at 630 eating, feeding my daughter and playing until nap time.  Nap time for Kaia shovel the snow time for me and then typing my thoughts along with some mindless internet surfing. Does that seem like a good balance so far? It is interesting that while I am cleaning the nagging need to focus on myself never comes into my head. But while I am focusing on myself the nagging need to clean is always lingering and nattering at me. Argh. Everything needs to be assigned equal importance, equal time and equal balance. Insert sigh here.
I guess what started all these thoughts is the dam snow and the dam time we spend on snow removal in this giant yard of ours. The enormity of our driveway and the enormous amount of time it takes to get it clean takes away from the balance of the rest of my life. I hate the snow I hate it so dam much.