Tuesday, August 30, 2011

150 beats a minute....that was the rate of my littlest creation’s heart beat today. Of course because this is the second time around I am comparing everything and so far not much is the same and not much is different. I don’t remember Kaia’s heart rate being that high she was always around 130-140. I don’t feel like my baby bump has bumped out yet which is awkward when getting dressed I hate this stage...I find myself in stretchy pants although jeans with a belly band would work I just don’t feel comfy enough. I haven’t felt a distinct boot; I thought maybe I felt a flutter or two but who knows it could have been gas for all I know.  I remember when we felt Kaia kick for the first time we were in a hotel watching tv and I remember I said to Erick “your baby is doing something funny in here” and he reached over and we both rested our hands on my tummy and boom two hard boots hit both of us at the same time it was pretty amazing. Erick’s expression was like “holy shit there is something in there” and I was just like “do it again do it again”. It was pretty cool that we both felt it for the first time at the same time.
   The nausea this time around is obviously worse....and has lasted way longer. I never had to take meds for the nausea with Kaia...but I am not complaining about the meds right now they are my best little white round friends.
   So I’m gonna start a list of 101 ways Tiffany is trying to distract herself in this little town....Work is probably #1. And until the autumn activities schedule comes out reading is #2. At the moment I have dived into “The Help”. I am reading it with a friend and then hopefully at the end of it all the two of us Mommies will escape and go to the big screen and watch it when it comes out. Wow so my list only has 2 items on it...this is going to be a long season.
Did I mention 116 more days till x-mas.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy 11 months of life my beautiful little girl. One more month and she will be a one year old. As I always say this year went by so quickly but is so incredibly full of amazing memories experience and change. I have never realized how much life you can fill into one small amount of time. Amazing really.
    Work is looming just around the corner but I am excited. I am excited to get out of the house and have some time away. Even if it is work. I have been whining and complaining constantly that I am ready to move and get out of this town. I am bored and unhappy living in this little one horse town. Don’t get me wrong this town has served us well. But the time has come to move onto bigger and better things. I could go on talking about all the reasons why I want to and think that we should move but I’d be here all day. The benefits of moving somewhere else would be endless for both Kaia and me and well Erick his hobbies and life style is totally pliable.
   Money is the controller of all things it seems. Selling our house is an obvious factor, finding another source of income that is equal to or greater than Teck and of course finding a happy place for all of us. Dam Teck and their retention intentions....they work so well...it’s got us in hook line and sinker. Luckily Teck has other sites and I have been keeping my eyes peeled. Erick working away is not an option for us at the moment. We haven’t closed that door completely but it will be our final stitch get me the Bleep out of this town effort.
We are not absolutely opposed to changing companies but I think it would have to be a pretty darn good package deal to move us. Anyways this topic is depressing.....maybe work will distract me for a while. But in the mean time I am just putting it out there to God or the universe of the positive energy flows .....PLEASE HELP US MOVE!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Well summer is coming to an end....I can’t say I enjoyed my much anticipated warm weather and summer fun. I spent most of it curled up on my couch reeling with nausea. I’m near 16 weeks pregnant and I attempted two days off of the meds that have been curbing the nausea. The attempt was unsuccessful it only reminded me of the hell I had been experiencing prior to me giving in to the meds. So I am back to popping pills. Some of my energy levels have returned I have found myself taking Kaia on more outings and my taste for baking has come back slightly. Although I will be returning back to work very soon I am thankful that I am feeling better and I hope that when this bottle of pills runs out that I won’t have to continue on. 4 months of nausea is by far enough.
   Kaia has been a trooper but I can tell she is getting bored of being cooped up in this house. Crawling helped to preoccupy her for a while...she has a whole new world of exploring now.
We are getting ready Kaia’s baptism September 10th. We will be having lots of company over to help us celebrate. I think that we may even give her a bit of an early birthday as well. She will be 1 year old very soon I am still shocked at how fast the time flies. I am no longer saddened that she isn’t the littlest baby anymore...I have been more excited for her growth and development. It is so exciting watching her learn new things and do all of the “firsts” that happen at this age.
  I think it might be safe to say that I am finally feeling the energy to start writing regularly again, here’s to hoping that I actually have something to say these days.