Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Time to get involved

We are staying in a carpet filled condo that requires daily or at least every other day vacuuming. Especially with toddler/baby moving around leaving a trail of crumbs where ever they go. Of course I vacuumed at our old house but in a house with wall to wall hard wood the vacuum did not come out as often as the Norwex mop did. Let's just say that here the vacuum has become somewhat of a novelty for Kaia. Well novelty I don't know but it has become a hot topic for conversation and activity in this little condo. For the last three ish days Kaia has been saying to me "vacuum Mom". I started responding by simply saying "yes Mommy will vacuum later". Kaia would persistently ask me through out the day the same question until finally I would do a serious scan of the floor and decide well yes Kaia is probably right I need to vacuum. I would pull out the vacuum Kaia would get all excited and watch me gather all of the toys and things off the floor and pull out the vacuum. Kaia would race to the couch and sit and watch me vacuum with deep concentration. This has gone on for a few days now but there has been some evolvement to the routine. Kaia will not let up until I whip out that vacuum. At first it was all cutesy and funny haha she likes watching me vacuum,  haha she is trying to tell me something about the state of our little home. Now I'm feeling like I have a little parent following me around monitoring my chores and when things should be done. She asks me at least every hour "vacuum Mom", "Vacuum Mom". I feel like a whinny teenager now...I'm thinking in my head every time she asks me "sheesh leave me alone I'll vacuum later". arghh. It even got the point where I stopped Kaia mid sentence and said Kaia I will vacuum later OK lay off! I am trying to figure out what in the world is this new obsession about. But then I thought hmmm maybe she is trying to tell me something here like um maybe "I'm bored". Yes we live in a city with many many options. But right now as a part of our transition Erick is taking our car to work. Erick needs to get into a carpool and we are in the market for a second vehicle. So we are some what stranded at the moment. So after a morning of being pestered by my 2 year old to vacuum my floor I gave in and started vacuuming. She watches me so intently while I vacuum so I had a second thought maybe she really wants to learn how to vacuum or maybe she wants a vacuum ride....oh I'm a fool. Just as I was finishing up Kaia got off her little perch and came over to me and said "I try Mama". But as I handed her the vacuum she ran so fast back to her perch and said "no Mama". I put the vacuum away as I am finished for today and doesn't that brown eyed little girl look up and me like 10 minutes later and say "vacuum Mom". AHHHHH.  Although my floors have never been cleaner I'm thinking its time to get involved in a little play group or something! Our weekends are always full we are on the go go go and come Monday and Tuesday the girls and myself are pretty content to relax and catch up with our routine things. But I'm thinking we need to add a play group to our schedule for the mid week crazies. It is time I need to do some research and figure out what we can do....that falls on the path of the city bus route too. We have already had one trip on the city bus and I don't think I have seen Kaia's eyes so big when the giant bus pulled up and we actually got on it. And then we all know that there is no lack of characters on the city bus to stare at. We can handle a little city transit until we get more organized. Time to make an effort....other wise I may start getting harassed to scrub the toilets or something. We were active participants in most all the play groups in Elkford so it is time to get involved in Kamloops.

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